Once you are a registered Den Leader, ScoutBook is your online resource to assist you with tracking and reporting awards for the youth in your den. In addition, it provides the ability to set up calendars and reminders to parents for events and activities. ScoutBook now features special Den Leader experience that will help you plan and prepare for den meetings. Details on what to do before, during, and after meeting along with the resources you need to deliver the program right at your fingertips. ScoutBook is free for everyone registered in Scouting. Once you are registered, you or another leader can set up who is in your den and off you go! Scouting App
The Scouting App provides parents the ability to see how their child is progressing, get notifications about meetings, and inform Den Leaders when a Cub Scout has completed a requirement at home. Make sure all your parents download the Scouting App for free onto their mobile device. |
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