As discussed in more detail on the Pack Dues page, recharter is the membership process whereby each Pack registers all of their Cub Scouts and Adult Leaders with the Boy Scouts of America - Occoneechee Council. The fees for recharter include membership fees that go to National/Council, Unit Insurance, and Accident Insurance. Each Scout in our Pack also receives a subscription to Scout Life.
Any questions about dues, please contact our Pack Treasurer, Laurie Biggs.
PayPal Option
To submit payment via PayPal, please select your desired option below and enter your Scout's name and Den number before clicking "Pay Now". If you are a NEW family to Pack 318, please do not use this form, as you must register and pay via
- Dues must be paid in full to participate in all Pack activities including special events such as the Pinewood Derby.
Any questions about dues, please contact our Pack Treasurer, Laurie Biggs.
PayPal Option
To submit payment via PayPal, please select your desired option below and enter your Scout's name and Den number before clicking "Pay Now". If you are a NEW family to Pack 318, please do not use this form, as you must register and pay via